Info File: Alan [C-A1]

Alan (LA 7)

Race: Bryish

Current Occupation: Envoy of The Dice

Status: Alive

Allegiance: The Disciples of Aren Geih

A nobody who was thrust into an adventure he doesn't understand, Alan is your everyday generic Bryish guy with practically zero special qualities to his name. He is, however, a tinge persistent and willing to do whatever it takes to be done with this whole ordeal as fast as possible.

He's usually up for a conversation, but sometimes is just done with the world and everyone in it.


PRISMATIC DICE: The Prismatic Dice grant the user the proposed strength of Aren Geih, and can either drastically upgrade an attack or grreatly weaken it.

SACRED SWORD: Given to him as an honarary gift by the Great Diecaster, Alan wields the Sacred Sword as his primary weapon.


PRISMATIC DICE: If rolled poorly, the Dice can actually weaken an attack such so that it's worse off than it would have been without godly interference.

OBLIVIOUS: Alan is a novice at combat and does not realize that he can Battle without the use of the Prismatic Dice. In addition, he's failed to realize that, as a Bryish, he can tap into magic without magical weapons or artefacts.

Notable Feats:


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